Galaxies Look Stationary, So Why Do Scientists Say That They Rotate?

Gazing into the night sky, galaxies appear as serene, stationary fixtures amidst the celestial tapestry. Yet, scientists insist these colossal structures are in a constant state of rotation. Why this disparity between perception and reality? This article delves into the cosmic dance of galaxies, unravelling the enigma of their hidden motion. We’ll navigate through the … Read more Galaxies Look Stationary, So Why Do Scientists Say That They Rotate?

Is it possible to see the Andromeda galaxy with the unaided eye when in dark sky country within Texas?

I live in Dallas, where we feel lucky to see Jupiter and Saturn. Is it possible to see the Andromeda galaxy with the unaided eye when in dark sky country? It is, as you obviously know, a function of relative brightness. The darker the night sky, the dimmer the objects that can be seen. In, … Read more Is it possible to see the Andromeda galaxy with the unaided eye when in dark sky country within Texas?

When I look up and see the Milky Way galaxy, am I looking towards the center of the galaxy or towards outer space?

When I look up and see the Milky Way galaxy, am I looking towards the center of the galaxy or towards outer space? Tell me a good astronomy joke while you’re at it. That is a great question! In fact, you are generally looking into the DISC of the Milky Way galaxy. I’m sure you’ve … Read more When I look up and see the Milky Way galaxy, am I looking towards the center of the galaxy or towards outer space?

In an expanding universe, why are Andromeda and the Milky Way destined to collide?

If the Universe is expanding and all galaxies are moving apart from one another, why is it that the Milky Way and Andromeda will one day collide? Thanks for the great question! To get to the answer, we will need to look at which forces operate on small and large astronomical scales (distances). The two … Read more In an expanding universe, why are Andromeda and the Milky Way destined to collide?