Since A Star’s Light Takes So Long To Reach Us, How Do We Know That The Star Is Still There?

Ever gazed up at the night sky and wondered about the stars twinkling back at you? You’re actually witnessing a cosmic time capsule, seeing the stars as they were, not as they are. The journey of starlight to our eyes spans years, even millennia, raising the intriguing question: “Since a star’s light takes so long … Read more Since A Star’s Light Takes So Long To Reach Us, How Do We Know That The Star Is Still There?

Why did people believe earth is the center of the solar system when it’s obvious the sun is?

To start with: the sun is not the center point of solar system. But the answer is more complicated than that. First, we have to define the center of our solar system, then we need to investigate why people believed the earth was the center instead of the ‘obvious’ answer of the sun, which is … Read more Why did people believe earth is the center of the solar system when it’s obvious the sun is?

How long before the expansion of the universe causes our earth to drift away from the sun?

Although it is true that the universe is expanding at a rapid rate, this expansion of the universe does not affect our galaxy in the ways you might think.How galaxies are affected by universe expansionOur galaxy is made up of astronomical bodies, all of which orbit other objects and have a set path that has … Read more How long before the expansion of the universe causes our earth to drift away from the sun?